7-Year-Old Points to Brighter Future
- by Cathryn Wellner
- August 10, 2011
- 6:00 pm

When 7-year-old Ishi runs along a mountain path, cuts out a funny face in dough and jumps into her father’s arms, I fall totally in love. When she holds up the solar panel that lights her home and cooks her food, I cheer. Ishi is the pint-sized star of Nitin Das’s Superhero, a short film that may change more hearts than Al Gore.
Superhero is the 2011 Grand Award Winner in the Possible Futures Film Contest, sponsored by The Pachamama Alliance, and FOUR YEARS. GO. Contest entries came from 44 countries. Nitin’s film won the top spot out of 317.
He was a brand manager for India Today before leaving the corporate sector to follow his passion. Superhero and A Tale of 3 Bananas: A Story of War, Politics and Bananas are two small samples of this gifted filmmaker’s ability to use humor and whimsy to carry a serious message.
Nitin shot “Superhero” in the village of Kaaza, in the remote Himalayan desert of India’s Spiti Valley. The film’s message is simple: Ishi “is doing her bit to save the planet even though she is only 7 years old. How old are you?”
Both Superhero and the second-place winner, Smooch, fulfill the contest’s challenge “to create a new vision for the future of humanity—one that will become defined by our relationships to human justice, environmental sustainability, peace and individual fulfillment.”
But don’t stop with these two inspiring film. All of the entries are online and every one of them will give you hope.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/7-year-old-points-to-brighter-future.html#ixzz1Ujf6jsTx
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